So funny story with the picture I chose for this weeks life post.
I ordered ASN number 10 (Last in the series) last December when I realized the publisher died and the books were going legit extinct.
A month after ordering the stupid book hadn’t come yet and the store kept sending ridiculous electronic automatic messages.
I got a refund and ordered the book from somewhere else. Lo and behold two days later the book comes in.
It has already shipped from the other place. The second book comes in ONE WEEK. It was shipping from the UK to Canada.
It took the other book almost 45 days to come and it was from the states. Puh~leeze.
So long story short I now have two copies of After School Nightmare V.10 (boo~)
If anyone really really needs it and the shipping isn’t too much you can have it.
Then during the weekend I was on set as a set PA (Production Assistant) and I was dead tired everyday. It’s hard to give 100% on no sleep.
But I learned a lot and working with everyone was awesome.
Anyways we know that yesterday was VALENTINE’S DAY.
Don’t worry I was single too. I had Chinese food with a friend and watched Blood the Last Vampire. (That shit was funny)
Too all the single ladies: Love yourself. To all the none single ladies: LOVE YOURSELF TOO! You are more then one half of a couple.
Too many girls identify themelves and their whole being as a piece of a relationship and dedicate their whole lives to their boyfriends. That’s not living.
Anyways instead of the regular music shout out here’s a beautiful pick me up video that sends an amazing message: Everyone love yourself!
XoXo Kitteh