Contact Me

Chocolate Cosmos
Chocolate Cosmos

Manga: Chocolate Cosmos

Email me at

Reasons to email me:
-Reporting a broken link/image

As well as:
-Requesting a manga review (suggestions)
-Requesting a manga to read*
-Help finding a manga**

*If asking for an make sure to state what you are looking for. (Ex: Boy falls in love with childhood friend.)
If you don’t know what you want just ask for a general series and state some manga you have liked before.

**If you need help finding a manga I can try my best to help identify pictures or try to make out any descriptions.

Remember that any requests ect must be shoujo/josei related. I also know nothing and have nothing to do with yaoi.

2 thoughts on “Contact Me”

  1. I love your site, I’ve read a huge chunk of the recommendations from different categories. I found some new absolute favourites and a bunch of tags that I hadn’t read before!

    Just wanted to say thanks and suggest a wholesome, Yuri, smut manga that I found and think might be worth adding.
    “Asumi-chan is interested in Lesbian Brothels!”

    Anyways keep it up, I check here all the time for new idea.

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