Top Shoujo Manga Genre Below is a list of the most popular Shoujo Manga Genres and random entries for the genre. Age Gap Bijin na Jun-kun no Dekiai Shidou Milky Way Hana ni Arashi: Flower in a Storm Arranged Marriage Teito Hatsukoi Shinjyu Namida ni Nureta Koi: A Tearful Love Bride of the Water God Bad Boy Shirotae no Kimi, Hanagasumi Defying Kurosaki-kun Bunbetsu to Takan: Sense and Sensibility Bullying Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You Don’t Touch Me High Teen Boogie Childhood Friends Hot Gimmick Watashi no Megane-kun Sad Love Story/Sad Sonata Fantasy Black Bird Evyione The King’s Beast First Love Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouij Mixed Vegetables The Honey-Blood Beauty and Her Vampire Forbidden Relationship Wild Ones: Arakure Kinkyori Renai: Close Range Love Mars Gender Bender Basara Ruby Doll Kiken Jun’ai DNA: Our Dangerous Pure Love DNA Love Triangle Kiken Jun’ai DNA: Our Dangerous Pure Love DNA Oiran Girl Requiem of the Rose King Makeover Cousin Defying Kurosaki-kun Mishounen Produce Megane Sekine’s Love Kiyoku, Yamashiku, Modokashiku Billion Girl Popular Male Lead Renai Gokko Sayokyoku Game Between the Suits Beware the Kamiki Brothers Possessive Lover Bite Maker Mangaka to Yakuza Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta Psychological Crazy Love Story S+M Heart no Kuni no Alice: Alice in the Country of Hearts Slow Romance Like a Butterfly Hana Kimi // 100th Review! Special A Smut Coffee and Vanilla Yuuwaku no Bansan Mangaka to Yakuza Sports Risou no Kareshitachi Eikoku Kizoku Goyoutashi Namaikizakari Strong Female Lead Dengeki Daisy Crimson Hero Obaka-chan, Koigatariki Teacher and Student Sensei to Watashi to Hajimete Eikaiwa School Wars Gensoku Tsundere Danshi Ikenai Sensei Tomboy Kingyo Sou Pheromomania Syndrome Crimson Hero Tsundere My Little Monster Haru x Kiyo Sekine’s Love Unrequited Love Kamisama Kiss Skip Beat Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouij Workplace Romance Bee-Sting Babe and the Gorgeous Guy Spicy Fever Game Between the Suits