So my life this past week has been ridiculously difficult.
Massive project due (30% in one class and 60% in the other)
I had my meeting today and I ended up gettin 86% and 92% (YAY!)
So needless to say I haven’t posted since… Um… I can’t remember.
I also didn’t do the updates but I did now and there weren’t that many updates anyways.
Next week I’ll be filming my monologue assignment March 5th, 6th, and 7th.
I will also be helping my partner but I still have no idea when he is shooting his. (AH! Communication lag!)
So I dunno how posting will go next week. But I’ll do some posts this weekend and one now.
XOXO Kitteh
PPSS: OLYMPICS! G’oh’ Canada! (yeah it was lame…)