{Reading Online}

As you may have noticed sometimes it’s hard to download manga and is easier to read online.
Personally I prefer to download but I would like to help everyone out that likes to read manga online.
For all of the Manga that I review I will try my hardest to upload to Mangafox. I’ll try my best to keep them up to date but it’s not the easiest job. :)

Think of it as an Easter Gift.

*Update: I will not be loading licensed manga*

First Post of DOOM

Okay so since I have declared myself the Queen of Shoujo I’ve decided to try and review a Manga everytime I came on or something like that.

This (dare I say it?) blog -ehem- will be a huge collection of Shoujo works that I like or whatever.

I’ve been working on this website for 9 hours and it’s 4:42 AM and I am TIRED.

BUT I will load one review for you guys right now! pewpew!

I’ll be doing a Deep Love review; Deep Love being the image used for the layout. Awesome!
