Jigoku to Enra Manga by Shimada Chie

Jigoku to Enra

Name: Jigoku to Enra (Enra goes to Hell)
MangakaShimada, Chie

Volumes: 4 (Complete)
Licensed: No
Scanlator: Shoujo Sense
Scanlations: V.04 Ch.17
Type: Manga
Genre: Supernatural/Comedy
Age Group: Teen

Komachi, an extremely straight laced high schooler, encounters Enra, the son of the King of Hell, who is out to eliminate her as punishment of a grave sin that she will commit in the future.

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Hana to Akuma: Flower and the Devil

Name: Hana to Akuma (Flower and the Devil)
Manga-ka: Oto, Hisamu

Licensed: No
Scanlations: V.10 Ch.58 (Complete)
Volumes: V.10 (Complete)
Type: Manga
Genre: Romance/Comedy/Fantasy/Historical
Age Group: Everyone

Summary: When Bibi decided to leave the demon world behind he was looking for some R&R, not a child. After finding a baby Demon Lord Bibi decides to raise her on his own. Enter Hana. The cutest and purest little girl, ever. Series follows the adventures of Bibi and Hana.

Graphics Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 4/5

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