Name: Prince of the Night
Mangaka: Ryan
Volumes: 4 (Complete)
Licensed: No
Scanlations: V.04 Ch.16 (Complete)
Scanlator: Noir
Type: Manhua
Genre: Fantasy/History/Drama
Age Group: Teen
Summary: Liang You Xin is a kind and innocent girl who has left home to further her studies in the Tyrol in Europe. During her travels, the seemingly innocent act of helping a stray pig sends her to a different dimension in the Royal Palace Museum. There, she meets a mysterious young man clothed in black who invites her to the Royal Palace as a guest. Expecting to find an abandoned palace, Liang You Xin is surprised to find Tyrol’s 17th Century Royal Highness instead. This fateful encounter changes her life from one of scholarship into slavery…
Graphics Rating: 3/5
Plot Rating: 3/5
Opinion: So I didn’t know how to grade the graphics. The backgrounds and the boys and the girls… basically EVERYONE and EVERYTHING EXCEPT the main character are DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS. Graphics that are so amazing that you would have your mind blown. So why the bad score? Because the heroine looks like the mangaka just kinda… um… FORGOT about her. The heroine is hideous and looks like she in nine years old. Looks like something out of grade 9 art class. Everyone else can look like shit, but PLEASE make the heroine pretty.
I don’t have much to say about the plot. It seems like it COULD be interesting but the heroine is so damn distracting you can hardly think about anything other then what a idiot she is. The piggy is cute and the prince is hawt… but that girl just drives me CRAZY.
Read if you are looking for a pretty art book with an awesome lame heroine
Final Rating: 3/5
Extra: None