I wasn’t sure if I should bother making a news post about MangaDex. Then I remembered I spent 5 months updating the entire blog to add MangaDex and MangaFox links to every non-licensed series. So I will go over the situation here.
What is MangaDex?
MangaDex is a popular place to read unlicensed manga online for free. While not “legal” the site is run by fans with limited ads. They also upload content with full quality giving Scanlator Groups more control of their content. Sites like MangaFox are run for profit, have lots of ads, and often steal Scanlator content without permission.
What Happened to MangaDex?
MangaDex was hacked and in order to completely update the website, MangaDex will be down for around 2-3 Weeks. It’s important to remember that this project is a huge overhaul and is completely being done for free by volunteers who have day jobs. That is why the project will take a while. Updates will be posted on their Twitter Account. Full explanation of what has happened is on their website.
What Does this Mean for Your Gimmick?
I’ve definitely thought of things I could do as I have 100’s of reviews linked to MangaDex. I also have regular reviews scheduled until June 2021 with MangaDex links.
While 3 weeks or even a month is a LONG TIME updating all the links would take much longer. Unfortunately I don’t have an on and off switch.
I personally hate MangaFox but they are always available so I do recommend using the MangaFox Links instead of the Mangadex links until the site construction is over.