
Name: Doubt!! (Yes the exclamation marks are important)
Mangaka: Izumi, Kaneyoshi

Volumes: 6 (complete)
Licensed: Viz (Complete)
Type: Manga
Genre: High School/Ugly Duckling/Comedy/Love Triangle
Age Group: Teen

Summary: Ai is tired of being seen as plain/ugly, and decides to go to a different highschool then everyone she knows and transform herself into a lovely girl. Make-up, dieting, and excercise all help Ai become the most popular girl at school. The last thing on her list is to date the most popular guy in school, but can she get over her natural insecurities?

Graphics Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 4/5

Opinion: Graphics are detailed and unique. I like them. Very similar to Sonan Jyanaiyo in the characters ect. Plot is so original for me, and just too much fun. Hilarious jokes will keep you laughing throughout the whole thing. As well, I love the theme of the ugly girl turning out pretty. A lot of people look down on that sort of thing, but people need to realize that is how the world works. But whats great about it is that even though Ai changes on the outside, she’s still the same insecure girl on the inside. So the story is about her learning to adapt to her beauty. The bishies are awesome, same if you’ve read Sonan Jyanaiyo. The love triangle thing was really interesting right up to the end. I STRONGLY recommend this story for any teenager especially. I related to it when I was younger and I’m sure many others will too. Plus it is so awesomely hilarious.

Final Rating: 4/5

Extra: Author of Sonan Jyanaiyo

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