Delicious Library/My Library

Wonder what I have in my actual physical library?
Seen the videos and pics of my manga and want to know more?
WONDER NO MORE! For I have acquired a program which allows me to scan my books and put them in a database as well as on my website.
Exciting! (More below)

So my library is here:
*I will try to update it every week if I buy anything.

{Delicious Library Review}
What: Delicious Library is a software for Mac users that allows the user to scan books, DVD’s and just about anything they own onto a database on their computer using the isight camera as a scanner.
Cost: 40$
System: Macs

The Good:
So I bought this being really excited, and it has done well… most of the time.
It does have all my books in there and they are in order but I had to do a lot of things.
Yes it allows me to make a website of all my books, but I had to figure out how to do it manually because the service they advertise about ftp uploading is a down right lie.
It is nice that I can keep track of who is borrowing what. It also reminds me through iCalender when my friend should be returning the book.
I can also keep an updated list of all the manga I own on my ipod classic so I won’t buy anymore duplicates.

The Bad:
-FTP uploading does not work
-I had to manually input a lot of older books because they would default as Tokyo Mew Mew (Funny the first two times… not the 50th)
-Sometimes the volume #’s would be in different order and I would have to change the names so they were in order.
-You can’t add a picture of the book if it doesn’t have one. So I had to manually search everywhere to find a copy that actually had a picture.

Paying 40$ is maddening as hell when the program doesn’t run completely properly and you don’t actually get a physical copy.
I would, however, recommend this to anyone who has over 200 books, DVD’s, CD’s ect. Or, if you are constantly lending things to friends.
Just the amount of money I’ll save from replacing lost lent books or repurchasing books will cover the cost.
When you have 538 books it’s just imperative to keep track of them.
I know, that as angry as it makes me, this program will save me tons of money.
If you don’t have a big collection of anything don’t bother.

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