Name: Boku wa Ookami
Manga-ka: Yuuki, Nachi
Volumes: 5 (Complete)
Licensed: No
Scanlations: V.02 Ch.11 (Ongoing?)
Type: Manga
Genre: Comedy
Age Group: Teen
Summary: Rina hates perverted guys. She mixes up her new classmate, Ookami-kun with someone else…
But the truth is, he is a real wolf! Is this sensation of the beginning of love?!
Graphics Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 3/5
Opinion: Pretty graphics.
I really like this series. Kinda. The main girl is SO FRUSTRATING. SHE MUST BE AN IDIOT. Must. She won’t even let the guy kiss her! And the guy raised by wolves? No…But it’s still addictive.
Final Rating: 3/5
Extra: It’s like Beast Master except terrible.