So as you guys know I went MIA again.
It has been literally one thing after another.
A few weeks ago I was at the con my friends run for the second year and it got 1200 guests! (Amazing)
I met and partied with Deadmau5 and his girlfriend.
I went to WEMF (World Electronic Music Festival) and met Skrillex.
And this Sunday when I got home from WEMF my cat George died pretty much out of the blue. He was acting funny before I left but I would never ever have thought he was going to die when he did. Leaving me heart broken.
I’m going to try and fix everything up and keep it going maybe even as a distraction from sadness.
Lots and lots of stuff to review.
I start school in a few weeks and there’s tons of work there not to mention my job reaches its peak season with Halloween on the way. Oh and I promised to clean a volume of Pheromomania Syndrome by the end of August. I’m just hoping it keeps me occupied.
Cheers lovelies I still love you continue with any feedback on the stories! I read all comments on pages as well as in the tag box. I’m definitely going to try a little harder to get an email for the website going so I can get your opinion as well as form a way of helping you guys find a series you will love.
XoXo Kitteh
Here’s a song that’s been helping me get by:
I Remember by Deadmau5