{More Excuses ;_;}

So between the last update and this one my life pretty much went crazy.
After finally coping with the death of my cat I was given the promotion at work and am now part of the management team.
It’s great, it really is, just so much more work and I’m responsible for so much more.
Since it’s halloween season and that’s our Christmas whenever I’m not at school I’m at work.

Then I’ve also started school again for my third and final year studying film. (yeh)
It’s fun but literally from the first day of school it’s just stress stress stress trying to pull everything together.
Since I’m all about pre-production all my work is front loaded and when it comes to being on set or post production I’ll be free as a bird but right now I’m going crazy.

With everything it’s literally work, school, and sleep and any personal down time has been a joke.
That being said I’m not… unhappy. I really love my job and all the work I’m doing at school I’m just super busy and I kind of like it.

I don’t mean to neglect the site… not at all it’s my baby! But life has been so… busy so since this is a hobby it’s further down the list.
I’m not closing the site or putting up a hiatus, I’m genuinely going to try and work it into my schedule because it really is something that calms me down and gives me some personal time.

Lets work together and continue reading great manga!
Feel free to give me ideas of reviews in the chat box… I do read it, and I do respond to every comment.
Comments are sent straight to my email which I check hourly every day for school.

xoxo Kitteh

TOP and GDragon with Knock Out

1 thought on “{More Excuses ;_;}”

  1. You should read webtoons! Like Crepuscule, Orange Marmalade, Noblesse (even though it’s shounen, but it’s amazing!) or Annarasumanara.

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